Unless you’ve got some experience with peeling and applying labels, you just won’t appreciate the title of this blog article. Believe it or not, there is a correct way to to peel labels from the backing sheet. Actually, I have that backwards. I should say there is a correct way to peel the backing sheet from the label. If you peel the label off from the sheet, the labels tend to curl up, and that can be a pain in the neck to apply. Not a huge pain, but if you’re peeling a large quantity of labels, it is definitely better to peel the backing sheet off of the label. To do this, place the sheet on a flat clean surface with the label facing the surface, and the backing sheet facing up. Curl the page at the spot where the label is, and grab the edge of the label. Then pull the backing sheet off. The backing sheet should be curled and the label should remain fairly straight. You’ll have an easier time applying your label so that it is straight, and square, and looks neat.