If you have an Inkjet printer you know how expensive ink cartridges are. The printers can be very cheap. They can come with a high quality color scanner, and can double as a copy machine. It’s pretty incredible the kind of printer you can get for the money…but we all know where the real money is. It’s in the ink. Liquid gold some call it. The first place to start to try to save money is in the print quality settings. In many instances when printing address labels, conserving ink will go a long way in saving money. As a default on your printer, change the printer properties to a print quality setting of Fast/Economical. Printing labels does not often require that you have a high quality print setting.
Of course just getting a black and white laser printer will greatly reduce the cost of printing supplies. 🙂 And of course our home page items are all inkjet and laser compatible, so either way, you’re good.