Weather Resistant Address Label Template

You don’t have to go far to download a template for our weather resistant address labels You can use our ML-3000 template, or the Avery® 5160 template. Or you can just click on the picture below. These labels can be used for applications where there are poor weather conditions or moist environments. The ML-3050W weather resistant address labels are made of water-resistant material. They are Tear-proof, and have permanent adhesive. For use in both laser and ink jet printers.

Round Label Template

We’ve got a few Round Labels, or circle labels: The ML-2425 is one of our new ones. It’s the same layout as the Avery® 5293. You can get a template for it easily enough. But sometimes you want the text to appear on concentric circles inside of the labels. Try that in MS Word. It’s tough. If you have a program that recognizes SVG (Scaled Vector Graphics), then you’ll be able to do that. We used Inkscape, as usual to create our ML-2425 Round Label Template. We put the Text for the label on a separate layer. That way, all you need to do is make sure the text is lined up inside the outline of the template. Once you’ve done that, just make the wire frame invisible, by making that layer invisible. Check out the animation I made (using the Gimp) of the ML-2425 screen captures. It’s an animation of the different layers I created in Inkscape. Clicking on the little eye in the layers pane toggles the layer on and off. This just shows the power of layers. Put your scrap work on different layers than the layers that you want to print. Move things around, copy things, and make sure things are in the right place all thanks to layers.

MS-1624 Template

Here is the MS-1624 label template. As always, beware, these are removable labels, and they might not be compatible with your laser or inkjet printer and may come off inside your printer. They were originally designed for hand application, and that’s how we recommend using them. Click on the picture below to download the template.

Diskette Labels

Here’s a template we whipped up real quick for Joel who just got off of help chat. Not that many people use diskette labels any more. I mean, have you bought a computer lately? They don’t come with disk drives anymore. Anyway, he needed the template, so we went to work. This is the ML-7500 diskette label template:

ML-7950 VHS Spine and Face Label

The ML-7950 has two different types of label in the package. There is a Spine label, which is the skinny label that you stick on the long thin side of the VHS tape. The other is the Face label, which gets stuck on the face of the VHS tape. Apparently there are some people out there who still use VHS tapes, and hence these labels, and so we’ll keep selling them. 🙂 Spine Label Screenshot (click on picture to download template) Face Label Screenshot (click on picture to download template)

ML-1425 is same layout as ML-1400

If you happen to need a template for ML-1425 address labels, don’t go looking too far. They have exactly the same layout ast the ML-1400 address labels. You could also use the equivalent Avery template, Avery 5162. The only difference between the ML-1425 and the ML-1400 is that the ML-1425 is packaged differently. The ML-1425’s are packed in 25 sheet packs, whereas the ML-1400’s are packed in 100 sheet boxes. Click on the Picture below to download the ML-1400 template. (……..Psst, remember,it’s the same as the ML-1425 template)

Holiday Lights on ML-3000, (same as Avery 5160)

Here’s an update on our Holiday lights on an ML-3000 template. It’s the same layout as the Avery 5160 label. These graphics are SVG graphics. They’ll look clean and sharp when you print them out, even when you scale them.

MR-1212 Color Coding Circle Labels

If you’re really ambitious you can create a slick template for the MR-1212 series of labels. With Inkscape it’s an easy task to get Text on a curve. You may have to tweak the graphics a bit to get your labels centered, and your printer might not support full bleed printing. Full bleed printing means that the printer will print all the way out to the edge of the paper. If you don’t have a full bleed, the outside columns will be cut off at the edges of the labels. Also read warnings about printing on small sheeted labels here.

ML-0600 Shipping Label Template

Here is a template ML-0600 I whipped up in Inkscape. It’s so easy to create these clean and sharp and scalable graphics in Inkscape, it’s sick. Then it’s ridiculously easy to get the graphic into Word. It’s as simple as selecting the graphic in Inkscape and copying it to the clipboard then switching to Word and Pasting. Then you can scale it to fit. Remember to hold the Ctrl or Shift key down to keep the vertical and horizontal dimensions scaled the same way. And here is the artwork you can edit in Inkscape.

ML-2000 Address label

The ML-2000 address label is a great choice for the address list with extra long Name and Address fields. While the ML-3000 is our most popular address label, it’s 2.625 inches wide just like the Avery 5160 label. The ML-1000 is 4 inches wide, so it gives that extra breathing room for extra long names and addresses. The Avery equivalent to the ML-2000 is the Avery 5161.

1/2″ Diameter Dots on Small Sheets MR-808

Here’s another one. We’ve got 1/2″ diameter dots here, it’s the MR-808. There are 77 labels on the page, and they’re removable. That’s why you have to take care when printing these labels. They were originally designed for hand applications. Some printers can handle them, but other printers will cause the labels to become unpeeled inside the printer, especially if you reprint on the same page. Use at your own risk.

MS-812 Template

Here is an MS-812 label template. You’ll have to adjust the margins to suit your own printer. Use this template at your own risk. These labels were originally designed for hand application, and are removable. Some laser printers run at very high temperatures, and these labels may come off inside the printer, damaging the printer. Also, some inkjet printers have very small turning radii in the printing path which could also cause the labels to peel off in the printer.